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匹配条件: “?or?evi? Dragan” ,找到相关结果约16350条。
Economic Impact of COVID-19 on the European Tourism Sector with Special View on Croatian Tourism  [PDF]
Dragan Kova?evi
Modern Economy (ME) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/me.2020.1110115
Abstract: From the mid-twentieth century, the share of service sector increased from 60% to 80% and amongst service, tourism is fast-growing industry. Globally, tourism is an important component of the service economy, representing one-third of international trade in services. This sector is the import engine of economic growth in many charts as globally, and it is a very dynamic and growing sector in the last decades. Europe is the worlds most visited destination with more than 700 million arrivals, representing 51% of the all arrivals. Amongst EU Members, the most attractive destinations are France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece; but nevertheless, Croatia recorded a remarkable increase in tourist arrivals. Tourism sector has experienced a major growth in recent years. However, this sector is very vulnerable because tourist products represent luxury goods depending on many economic and social factors. Besides the fact mentioned above, the latest trends about coronavirus will set out many tourism companies in an unenviable situation, dropping revenues among the lowest level in history. In this paper, author estimate potential losses in European tourism sector under circumstances of closed borders. In addition, less pessimistic scenario has been forecasted, achieving the level of 30% of the previous year.
When the Sound-Symbolism Effect Disappears: The Differential Role of Order and Timing in Presenting Visual and Auditory Stimuli  [PDF]
Jelena Su?evi, Dragan Jankovi?, Vanja Kovi?
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2013.47A002

Kohler’s observation that most people match pseudoword “maluma” to curvy objects and “takete” to spiky objects represented the well-known example of sound symbolism—the idea that link between sound and meaning of words was not entirely arbitrary. This study was aimed to examine the existence of sound symbolism in natural language and to consider the potential role of some aspects of experimental design and stimuli features which had not been considered in experimental studies so far. Three experiments were done in order to explore the influence of visual information on language processing. Visual lexical decision task with the sharp-sounding and soft-sounding verbal stimuli presented within the spiky and curvy frames was used. Reaction time analysis in these three experiments highlighted additional aspects of visual and language processing which influence the potential interplay of these two processes. As results revealed, when visual information preceded presentation of verbal material for approximately 1000 ms or when visual and verbal material were presented simultaneously, the processing was being delayed and the interactions of these two processes occurred. The pattern of obtained results gave further support to the idea of sound symbolism as pre-semantic phenomenon and the hypothesis that the effect emerged from very early stages of language processing.

New solutions in the juvenile criminal law in the light of the restorative justice
Temida , 2007, DOI: 10.2298/tem0701015j
Abstract: New criminal legislation got into force in Serbia at the beginning of 2006. In that way, Serbia got unique Criminal Code which includes all provisions of material criminal law except provisions related to the criminal position of juveniles. System of criminal sanctions for juvenile off enders, procedure for their imposition and the way, procedure and terms for their execution are regulated by the provisions of the separate law - the Law on juvenile off enders and criminal protection of juveniles. Some of the most important novelties introduced by new juvenile criminal law are system of diversion, i.e. system of diversion orders, which aim at excluding the imposition of criminal sanctions in the cases when criminal sanction is not necessary from the perspective of crime suppression. Bearing that in mind, this paper is dedicated to forms of diversion orders as a form of measures that lead to more efficient system of restorative justice within our new juvenile criminal legislation. .
International criminal courts: Between law, justice, reconciliation and rights of victims
Medjunarodni Problemi , 2011, DOI: 10.2298/medjp1104536j
Abstract: Since the ancient times till the present the international community has provided various forms of co-operation for the purpose of criminal prosecution and punishment of perpetrators of the most serious criminal acts that in the most severe and violent ways violate the rules of international law breaching or jeopardising the humanity and other property, which are protected by the international system of legal rules. Among them the most important form consists of the establishment and acting of international criminal courts that in the interest of justice and in the name of the civilized part of the mankind or enlightened peoples presses criminal charges and pronounces sentences and other criminal sanctions against perpetrators of international criminal acts. There are several kinds of international judicial bodies with different law features and duration. The paper deals with their characteristics, roles and organization both from the theoretical and practical aspects.
International criminal judiciary as a means to keep and protect peace and international security
Medjunarodni Problemi , 2005, DOI: 10.2298/medjp0502031j
Abstract: After a long historical development, the second half of the 20th century has inaugurated the new, latest branch of the punitive law - international criminal law. By its legal nature and characteristics it is somewhere between the national criminal law and international public law, maintaining its peculiarity and independence. The basic and most important notion and institute of this branch of law is certainly the international criminal act. In the theory of law (domestic and foreign), there are several views on the notion and contents of the international criminal act. However, it can be concluded that this notion implies a socially dangerous, illegal act committed by the perpetrator and defined as a criminal act whose perpetrator is to be punished as prescribed by the law. Such a defined notion of the international criminal act includes its basic elements, and these are as follows: 1) the act of a man (including the act of an adult person that can be committed in three forms: acting, non-acting, failure to provide proper supervision, effect and casualty; 2) social danger; 3) unlawfulness; 4) definition of an act by rules, and 5) guilt of the perpetrator. There are two kinds of international criminal acts: international criminal acts in a narrow sense and international criminal acts in a broad sense. The most significant are certainly the international criminal acts in a narrow sense that are directed towards violation or endangering of the universal, general civilisation values - international law and humanity - what is actually the subject of protection from these criminal acts. Apart from the international criminal act, the theory of law also includes a foreign criminal act (any criminal act with a foreign element). By all this, these two notions coincide largely, but are also considerably different from each other. Apart from the general notion of the international criminal act, the theory of law also includes a special being or a special notion of the international criminal act by whose characteristics and specific forms and shapes of manifestation some international criminal acts or responsibility of their perpetrators actually differ from each other. As a matter of fact, all international legal documents in this field (and then national criminal legislation as well) deal with the whole system of various incriminations punished by various kinds and sorts of penalties (as basic sorts of criminal sanctions). The following documents deal with some international criminal acts in their specific forms and shapes of manifestation: The Statute of the Inte
The questions for Machiavelli
Laki?eviDragan D.
Filozofija i Dru?tvo , 2010, DOI: 10.2298/fid1001167l
Abstract: The main intention of the work that deals with the Nicolo Machiavelli thought is to point out the obvious paradox between the high political goal and the legitimating of all possible means for its realization. Are evil deeds inevitable in the sphere of politics and under what circumstances the immorality contained in political acts could be transformed into common good? The text asks additional questions such as about the accomplishments of ambitious political projects, the relationship among the ideologist and the representative of political power, the transformations of the means into the ends, the use of violence and indoctrination in political acts, revolutionary and evolutionary political methods, etc. The author claims that political technologies recommended by Machiavelli basically haven't diminished, but have taken on more modern and more adequate forms.
Osnovne karakteristike novog maloletni?kog krivi?nog prava Republike Srbije
Jova?evi, Dragan
- , 2006,
Abstract: Sa?etak Po?etkom 2006. godine u Republici Srbiji je stupilo na snagu novo materijalno i izvr?no krivi?no zakonodavstvo. Tako je posle skoro tri decenije podeljene zakonodavne nadle?nosti u oblasti krivi?nog prava izme?u federacije, republike i pokrajine iz vremena SFR Jugoslavije, Republika Srbija dobila jedinstveni Krivi?ni zakonik koji je obuhvatio sve materijalno pravne odredbe osim odredbi vezanih za krivi?nopravni polo?aj maloletnih lica. Naime, sistem krivi?nih sankcija za maloletne u?inioce krivi?nih dela, postupak izricanja i na?in, postupak i uslovi izvr?enja maloletni?kih krivi?nih sankcija su ure?eni propisima posebnog zakona – Zakona o maloletnim u?iniocima krivi?nih dela i krivi?nopravnoj za?titi maloletnih lica. Na taj na?in su u jednom zakonskom tekstu obuhva?ene sve materijalne, procesne i izvr?ne krivi?nopravne odredbe o maloletnim licima ?ime je zapravo zaokru?en sistem maloletni?kog krivi?nog prava o ?ijim karakteristikama upravo govori i ovaj rad
Jova?evi, Dragan
- , 2008,
Abstract: Sa?etak The new juvenile (substantive, procedural and executive) criminal law came into force at the beginning of 2006 in the Republic of Serbia.. In this way, by concluding its reform of criminal law, the Republic of Serbia followed the trends of modern criminal policies of other developed European countries (France, Germany, and Croatia). Therefore, in that special, specifi c way, it determined the criminal legal status of juveniles. That specifi city is refl ected in various directions : 1) Lex specialis was brought in – a special Act on juvenile perpetrators of criminal acts and the criminal legal protection of juveniles when juveniles in their criminal legal position are completely separate from the status of adults as perpetrators of criminal acts, 2) the special authority of district courts is determined for taking action in criminal cases of juvenile perpetrators of criminal acts, 3) compulsory specialisation is provided for persons in the criminal judiciary taking part in criminal proceedings for juvenile perpetrators of criminal acts ( with previous training and issuing of licences ‘certifi cates’ and 4) besides criminal sanctions, the law has provided for juvenile perpetrators of criminal acts the possibility of sentencing specifi c measures sui generis – educational orders ( directions or recommendations) – as means of restorative justice by which the commencement or carrying out of legal action is avoided. This paper precisely deals with this new criminal legal position of juvenile perpetrators of criminal acts and with the new institutions of restorative justice from theoretical, practical and comparative legal aspects
Polo?aj maloletnika u novom krivi?nom pravu Republike Srbije
Jova?evi, Dragan
- , 2008,
Abstract: Sa?etak Po?etkom 2006. godine u Republici Srbiji je stupilo na snagu novo maloletni?ko (materijalno, procesno i izvr?no) krivi?no pravo. Na taj na?in je okon?avaju?i reformu kaznenog prava Republika Srbija je sledila tendencije savremene kriminalne politike drugih razvijenih evropskih zemalja (Francuska, Nema?ka, Hrvatska), pa je na poseban, specifi ?an na?in odredila krivi?nopravni status maloletnika. Ta specifi ?nost se ogleda u vi?e pravaca : 1) donet je Lex specialis - poseban Zakon o maloletnim u?iniocima krivi?nih dela i krivi?nopravnoj za?titi maloletnih lica ?ime su maloletnici u svom krivi?nopravnom polo?aju u potpunosti odvojeni od statusa punoletnih lica kao u?inilaca krivi?nih dela, 2) odredjena je posebna nadle?nost okru?nih sudova za postupanje u krivi?nim predmetima maloletnih u?inilaca krivi?nih dela, 3) predvidjena je obavezna specijalizacija lica koja u organima krivi?nog pravosudja u?estvuju u krivi?nom postupku prema malololetnim u?iniocima krivi?nih dela (uz prethodnu obuku i izdavanje licenci - “sertifi kata) i 4) pored krivi?nih sankcija zakon je prema maloletnim u?iniocima krivi?nih dela predvideo mogu?nost izricanja posebnih mera sui generis - vaspitnih naloga (uputstava ili preporuka) – kao sredstava restorativne pravde kojima se izbegava pokretanje ili vo?enje krivi?nog postupka. Upravo o novom krivi?nopravnom polo?aju maloletnih u?inilaca krivi?nih dela i novim institutima restorativne pravde sa teorijskog, prakti?nog i uporednopravnog aspekta govori i ovaj rad
Dragan Jova?evi
- , 2014,
Abstract: International criminal law, as a system of legal regulations embodied in the acts of international community and criminal legislations of individual states, establishes criminal liability and punishment for crimes against international law. These acts constitute breaches of the laws and customs of war (international humanitarian law) that violate or threaten peace among nations and the security of mankind. Penalties prescribed for these criminal offences are the most severe penalties in contemporary criminal legislation. In some cases, the international judicial (supranational) institutions such as the Nurnberg and the Tokyo Tribunal, the Hague Tribunal, the International Criminal Court (etc.) have primary jurisdiction over perpetrators of these criminal offences. The criminal act of genocide is defined as the killing of a nation or a tribe. In the UN General Assembly Resolution 96/I of 11th December 1946, genocide was proclaimed as “a crime under international law, which is in contradiction with the spirit and the aims of the OUN and condemned by the entire civilized world”. Although it emerged as a “subspecies of crime against humanity”, genocide rapidly obtained an autonomous status and contents as one of the most serious crimes of today. As a crime against international law, genocide is established on the basis of three elements: a) the objective component - аctus reus; b) the subjective component - mеns rea; c) the object of the act - the group (the victim). The source of this incrimination is found in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide which, in Article 2, defines the notion and the elements of this crime against international law. In legislation, theory and practice, this term can be interpreted in a broader sense as well. In this paper, the author analyses the theoretical and practical aspects of genocide in international criminal law and criminal law of the Republic of Serbia (including former FR Yugoslavia). Key words: international law, humanity, crime, genocide, court, command responsibility, penalty

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